The ultimate guide to the perfect first layer in 3D printing

Der ultimative Leitfaden für den perfekten first Layer beim 3D-Druck - 3ddruckboss

The importance of the perfect first layer

The first layer of a 3D printed object lays the foundation for the quality of the entire print. A well-adjusted first layer is crucial to ensure solid adhesion of the object to the print bed and avoid problems such as warping or peeling during the printing process .

Why is the first layer so important?

1. Liability

A uniformly and correctly printed first layer ensures optimal adhesion of the object to the print bed. This prevents the object from slipping or peeling off during printing, which can lead to incorrect printing results.

2. Surface quality

A good first layer creates a smooth and even base for the subsequent printed object. This improves the surface quality of the finished print and minimizes unwanted bumps or flaws.

3. Pressure stability

A correctly adjusted first layer helps ensure that printing is stable and reliable. This significantly reduces the risk of printing errors or aborts during the printing process.

Tips for the perfect first layer

1. Print bed leveling

Make sure your print bed is properly leveled to ensure an even surface. To do this, use a suitable leveling method, such as adjusting the print nozzle at different points on the print bed.

2. Print bed preparation

Clean the print bed thoroughly and, if necessary, apply a suitable adhesive layer to improve the adhesion of the first layer. Popular options include glue sticks, hairspray or special print bed coatings.

3. Optimize printing parameters

Experiment with the print settings, especially the first layer height and print speed, to achieve the optimal first layer for your substrate and printing environment. A low first layer height and slower print speed can often produce better results.

4. Carry out pressure test

Before actual printing, perform a test print to check and adjust the settings for the first layer. This allows you to identify and correct any problems at an early stage.


A perfect first layer is the key to successful and high-quality 3D printing. By properly preparing the print bed, optimizing print settings, and regularly checking, you can ensure that every print starts with a solid first layer and results in top-notch results.